Glenwood Parents, the February 27th Principal Search Input Session has been POSTPONED to THURSDAY, March 6th. Please mark your calendars. .

Have Millburn students correctly predicted who will win the Super Bowl? We’ll see…but they did a Super job collecting food for those in need!
Thanks to all of our schools for delivering a resounding WIN for this year's Breakfast Bowl food drive! Every year, Millburn comes together to help fill food pantries in Essex County, while at the same time gearing up for the Super Bowl by dropping off their donations in support of one of the 2 Super Bowl competitors.
This week, students in every school in the district, plus the Ed Center, collected an assortment of breakfast items and other food pantry needs for donation to MEND and the Interfaith Food Pantry of the Oranges. For 2025, Millburn Schools chose a clear favorite to win Sunday's Big Game: the Philadelphia Eagles prevailed with 729 items over 514 collected for Kansas City! Fly Eagles, Fly! And, Way to Go Millburn Schools!
Thanks to the PTOC Outreach Committee for coordinating this effort every year!

So proud of our amazing schools!:

Join Dr. Diskin and the Curriculum Directors at the Book House for a Coffee Chat on Friday, October 11.

Welcome Back Community Parent Night - Save the Date!
We invite parents and all community members to join us for a parent presentation by Mr. Comegno on September 5th at 7 pm at Millburn Middle School. At this “Welcome Back Community Wellness Night” he will share how we can work together to support Student Wellness.

Welcome Back Community Parent Night - Save the Date! 9/5/24
We invite parents and all community members to join us for a parent presentation by Mr. Comegno on September 5th at 7 pm at Millburn Middle School. At this “Welcome Back Community Wellness Night” he will share how we can work together to support Student Wellness.

The Global Gala was a worldwide success! There were about 25 countries represented at Glenwood. Enjoy some photos from the event.

Thank you for your patience. Internet and Phones are in full operation.

Millburn Schools will have an Early Dismissal tomorrow 1/19 as snow is predicted during the afternoon. Check email and phone messages for details.
Read the News Story here: https://www.millburn.org/article/1417260

Glenwood Gators performed our "What a Wonderful World" Winter Concert today. Students sang songs and played instruments made from repurposed materials. Kudos to our music teacher, Mrs. Kayal, for a fantastic program and to our students for a wonderful performance!

Glenwood hosted its first Family STEM Night for 3rd and 4th graders on December 6th. Activities included wind tubes, Bristle Bots, and o-wing flyers. Students raced VEX robots Mario Kart-syle with the Millburn Middle School Robotics Club. Students and parents came together for an energizing and fun-filled night! Thanks to Mrs. Rider for organizing the event!

We gathered together before Thanksgiving Break to celebrate the fall holidays with readings and a school-wide song along.

Reminder: There is a delayed opening for students tomorrow. All schools open two hours later than usual for Staff Development.
Have a safe and fun Halloween!

We are excited to announce the new app for Millburn Schools! It's everything Millburn Schools, in your pocket. Available to all in the community. Download the app in your device's App store - search Millburn Schools. Or use the QR codes here.